Tech Detecting Fraudsters In Near Real-Time With ClickHouse Here's how we ensure our constantly evolving Gojek ecosystem is safe for our customers, driver partners, and merchant partners.
Tech How We Secure The Gojek App With 241 Benchmarks Our Product Security team is tasked with securing our 18+ products. Here's how we implement CIS benchmarks on hosts at scale.
Tech How To Set Up A GKE Private K8S Cluster - Part 2 In the second part of this blog, we see how we can expose the service running in private cluster with security settings.
Tech How To Set Up A GKE Private K8S Cluster - Part 1 Setting up GKE Private K8S cluster and exposing services through NEG & IAP.
Tech Hacks And Tips To Deploy CTFd In K8s How our Product Security Team went about CTFd Deployment In K8S with GKE and behind IAP, for our internal hackathon.
Tech How to Secure a SuperApp From fighting fires at exploding scale to building robust security processes — the journey of Gojek’s Security team
Tech The Curious Case of the Disappearing GO-JEK App On April Fools day our app disappeared from the Apple Store